Do you want to improve the relationship with your teen?

Download our FREE Reading Guide.

Inside you'll find our list of 36 recommended books and podcasts that we use daily in our work with parents. They find them really valuable and we think you will too.

Access our list of 36 recommended books and podcasts that you can trust to make your life and your teen's life easier, happier and calmer.

Hello, we're TeenMatters

We’re a team of qualified, experienced, therapists who specialise in counselling and coaching young people and their parents, both in person or online.

We’re also parents with plenty of real life experience of navigating the challenges and rewards that family life can bring. We know what it's like to be facing a challenge with our teenagers and not know who to turn to for advice and support.

So, we put together this therapist approved Reading Guide where you’ll find our list of recommended books and podcasts that we use daily in our work with parents. They find them really valuable and we think you will too.

Download your FREE guide.

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